Create, promote, and sell your first (or next) online program inside the ultimate 3-day experiential live event.

Alina Vincent’s

High Profit Programs

100% Virtual 3-Day Live Event August 19-21, 2024

Create your perfect money-making program.

Share your expertise. Transform your business. Reclaim your freedom.
“Within 10 days of attending High Profit Program’s live event, I generated $13,619 by launching my very first online program!”


Here is what others have said:

“Off the chain, blow-the-doors-off-this-room learning.”

“I went from zero knowledge on creating programs to 100% knowledge on creating programs.”

“Alina helps you step into your heart, step into your greatness in ways you can’t even imagine.”

“The most concise and easy to follow event that I have been a part of since beginning my online journey.”

“You gotta go through this training so that you can reach more people and make more money for all the work you are putting into your course.”

“HPP is pivotal to creating a business plan and direction for the future.”

Q: What does every multiple six- and seven-figure business have in common?
A: They’ve all created at least one highly profitable online program.

Why? Because online programs are the foundation of every successful, scalable, and fully-leveraged business.

Online programs are the absolute best way to:

Help hundreds of people to get the transformation they are searching for.

Build credibility and visibility in your industry, and cement your standing as an expert.

Attract more clients, make more money, and scale your business -- whatever stage you’re in.

Gain total clarity around the direction of your business; from content to strategy.

Hop off the time-for-dollars hamster wheel, and create passive revenue streams.

Get your freedom back, so you can live the life of your dreams.

However: Building an online program is easier said than done. Especially if...

  • You don’t feel like an expert (hello Imposter Syndrome) and you’re not sure you should create a program until you do.
  • You haven’t had many (or any) clients yet. You wonder: How can you teach something if you haven’t been working with people 1-1?
  • You just want to help people, but you’re not sure where to begin, how to package your knowledge, or what your customers want most from you.
  • You feel you never have the time, energy, or money to create the course you envision.
  • You’ve already designed a program -- but it didn’t sell, or didn’t create the results your were hoping for.
  • You’ve taken plenty of courses about building programs, but they always leave out something important… and when it came time to actually create and fill your program... Instant overwhelm.
  • You have hundreds of great ideas, and you don’t know how to choose the winning one.
  • You’re wondering if right now is the right time. You want to invest your time and energy in things that generate growth and future-proof what you’re creating.
  • You feel intimidated by the prospect of building a program, but know doing so with experts and a community behind you to hold you accountable will set you up for success

Sound familiar? Keep reading -- because all that is about to change.

“Every day was powerful, impactful.”

“Alina is amazing of course, knowledgeable, heart-centered, and really wanted to help us. But even more than that I found people in this room that are phenomenal leaders, entrepreneurs, and just people I want to know for a lifetime. And that is priceless.

So if you have any doubt whatsoever about whether you should be in this room next year? I’m gonna tell you: Knock it off, figure out how to get here, and make it happen.

There were a lot of tears and a lot of soul-searching and you were witnessing this right as it was happening, and in that witnessing we were all growing and learning, and in that witnessing we were all loving and supporting one another and the energy in this room was off the chain. Exponential learning, it was off the chain, blow-the-doors-off-this-room learning.”

Julaina Kleist-Corwin

Are you ready to confidently identify your unique expertise, your HOTTEST idea, and your action plan to build, fill, and launch a program that sells itself?

(... And that’s just on Day 1).

Then you belong in a room of 100+ of the most brilliant passion-fueled entrepreneurs, leaders, and experts on the planet for the 3-day High Profit Programs live event.

“I’ve learned more here than I’ve learned in 7 years of business -- and it’s been 3 days”.


Alina Vincent Presents...

High Profit Programs

Finally Turn Your Knowledge and Expertise Into Money Making Online Program

Here’s a sneak peek at the experience:

High Profit Programs is a 3-day immersive, interactive workshop experience at the intersection of logic and imagination; where you’ll learn the step-by-step process from mindset to marketing for creating and designing a program that sells itself.

You’ll be supported by profitable programs expert Alina Vincent and her team, and spend the weekend with over 100 exceptional (and wonderfully warm) entrepreneurs on the same journey you are, who’ll become new connections, venture partners, collaborators, clients and friends for life.

Unlike other events that leave out crucial information, or are all hype and no action, High Profit Programs teaches you the ins and outs of packaging your magic and expertise, and gives you the tools and techniques to build a program that will work, serve, and sell.

Event Access

Regular Price - $2,000

TODAY - only $99


“I launched my first online program right after I attended Alina’s High Profit Programs event.”

“It really helped me understand what my clients wanted and helped them reach their goals. I’ve now earned over $13,000 by signing up three individual coaching clients, who wanted to continue with me after the program was over.

Alina is a master of developing online programs, and I highly recommend her to anyone who wants to develop a new stream of income for their coaching or consulting business.”

Susan Blais

What keeps our awesome students coming back year after year?

Our simple, systematic process

Alina Vincent is a 3rd generation teacher, with a background in computer science, engineering, and academia. She has a gift for making even the most complicated concepts simple, doable and actionable. That means there’s zero fluff. Just results.

Our feedback in the room and step-by-step, action plans

Because it’s not just about what to create, but how and when. High Profit Programs will help you take the right steps for your business, at the right time, for maximum impact and income, guiding you at every step and providing personalized feedback.

Our strategies for making sure your program sells itself

We’ll show you exactly how to make your program irresistible to your dream customers, so that you can start selling your program before you even leave the event.

Our focus on personal AND business development

At High Profit Programs, we know mindset matters as much as any sales strategy. You’ll get crystal clear on your magic, gifts, and “secret sauce”, so you feel confident at every step, from program creation to promotion.

Our Extraordinary Community

We’re truly a product of the love, support, and brilliance of our attendees. We’re proud to welcome the most creative, whip-smart heart-centered entrepreneurs on the planet every year, who go on to become friends, collaborators, VP partners, and more...

“Clear your schedule, clear your mind...”

“ open to a completely different approach to securing long term business & financial security & satisfaction, do not miss an instant of the Event as there are nuggets of gold being handed out almost constantly.”

Nicholas Knight

“Alina attracts beautiful people. Conscious people. Smart people.”

And a lot of the things came from Alina but I also made amazing contacts, masterminded with incredible people, she even brought in other experts that just added and gave me the full package of what I needed.”

Julaina Kleist

The Agenda

Day 1:

You are already an expert at something! We’ll show you how to own and leverage your expertise so that you become the star of your high profit program.

During Day 1 you will discover:

  • How to identify your expertise and select a captivating topic for your program -- even if you don't consider yourself an expert
  • 9 questions to narrow your ideas and expertise into one HOT IRRESISTIBLE OFFER that practically sells itself
  • The step-by-step approach to filling your program with participants
  • Exactly how your unique voice, mindset, story, and point of view provides the unique solution to your clients’ biggest problems
  • And much, much more...


While benefits and results sell -- structure makes sure those results happen! We’ll go over everything you need to ensure you deliver what you promise.

During Day 2 you will discover:

  • How to develop a title and description for your program (with help from a 7-figure copywriter)
  • Alina’s step-by-step process for structuring, outlining, and formatting your course -- and overcoming student objections when it’s time to make the sale
  • The only 3 things you absolutely need to run your online program
  • How to turn your program into unforgettable content for the rest of your business (and what to avoid)
  • And much, much more...


You can have the best program on the planet, but if no one’s buying, it can’t change your business or the world. That’s why on the final day, you’ll learn how to sell and fill your program with your dream customers.

During Day 3 you will discover:

  • The secrets to building buzz for your program -- without spending a cent on advertising
  • How to speak from stages and sell your program -- and the tools you’ll need once you create it
  • The simplest trick ever for making sure your program is filled… and selling it even before your program is created
  • The nitty gritty on pricing, technology, and content creation
  • The insider secrets for creating high-ticket offers
  • And much, much more...
“Every day was powerful and impactful, and the money I spent was pennies from what I walked away with.”

Rachell Ross Kitchen

Right now is the perfect time to create your online program!!!

Join us at the High Profit Programs event to discover how to turn your existing knowledge and expertise into a scalable and leveraged 6-figure online business.
Check out some of the results our students have been getting...

Candas attended our HPP event, 10 days later she generated $13,619 in a lesser-known niche from her very first online program!

After attending our HPP event, Rakesh filled his Midlife Makeover For Men program with 15 participants and signed up 3 high-paying 1-1 clients!

“Sam is now growing his online piano lessons business and has doubled his 1-1 rates as a result!”

Before connecting with Alina I was really struggling in my business. I was completely burned out: overworked and under-priced, feeling frustrated with a perceived ceiling to my fee structure I felt powerless to change. I was working exclusively in the time-for-money model, teaching a large studio of 1-1 piano lessons on top of other part time musical employment.

With Alina’s help I’ve managed to design and successfully launch my first online group piano course, Back To The Piano: Play It Again With Sam! In my course I help adults who used to play piano joyfully jumpstart their playing again and reconnect with their passion and purpose in their music playing and in their lives! This is something I could not have dreamed of doing on my own!

Having a successful online course under my belt has given me unexpectedly large leaps in self-confidence in valuing myself and what I have to offer to my clients. I was able to double my fee for my 1-1 work overnight once I realized how powerful my services are to my clients! I am so excited to be in the position now to radically expand my reach, serving more clients in more powerful ways while making multiple times the income I was making 7 months back!

I highly recommend Alina and her inimitable magic to any heart-centered entrepreneur who is ready to take their business to the next level and fully realize their potential in reaching and serving their dream clients!

Many blessings, Sam Whitesell

Samuel Whitesell,

Pianist & Piano Teacher

“Erin turned to running online courses when she had to close her PT practice!”

I have been a physical therapist for 20 years.

I had always thought about creating online courses- especially related to my experience and expertise in pelvic health and chronic pain, but it always felt like an overwhelming learning curve to tackle while also having a full time practice and a family.

When Covid hit I had to close my physical practice for several months, I finally had a little time on my hands for the first time in a few decades.

And right at that moment, I first became aware of Alina and her blueprint for designing online courses.

It felt like perfect timing and so I jumped into both the HPP event and then into Alina’s coaching group to further help me since I was literally beginning from scratch and knew I would need help in ways I couldn’t even initially anticipate.

The thing I like about Alina’s method is that it gives me step by step instructions and clear guidance about things I should or shouldn’t do with program creation, visibility, marketing, and partnerships.

There is a lot of work involved in creating a course. Especially one that I can feel proud of and that absolutely delivers on the promises I offer.

But there is also a big part of the development that doesn’t need to be as complicated as I might have tried to make it.

I’ve already run my program twice with 30 students and am on my way to turning this to an evergreen program in the next several months.

Not only will I be able to help many more people than I could have in my physical practice, I will also be generating more passive income. A huge win-win.

I now have the confidence to create more programs- with more ease- now that I have Alina’s strategies under my belt.

I feel my potential growth is limitless.

Erin Arnold,

PT & Pelvic Health Specialist

At the end of the weekend, you walk away with

A polished outline of your new or reimagined program, and a complete blueprint of everything you need to create and sell it

An action plan, and total clarity on your next steps, and all the tools you need to launch your program in a matter of weeks

Complete confidence that your customers will want to buy your program -- and that you can follow through on your promises

A step-by-step process for focusing your energy and expertise in your business, so you develop a clear message, value positioning, and point of view with all your content going forward

The knowledge to create profitable programs again and again, on any budget -- for life.

New friends + powerful peace of mind knowing you’re on your way to the kind of success, freedom, and financial reward you’ve been dreaming of -- with new connections to help you along the journey

“Alina’s system allowed me to get my first program up and running in just a few weeks -- I made $3,600 on the pilot alone!"

Michelle Kopper

“I now have numerous ways to fill the program.”

“Before I thought I had to spend lots of money on FB ads!! You HAVE to sign up for this! It will change your business and your life!!!”

Linda Sherwin

What kind of entrepreneurs attend High Profit Programs?

(Many of our participants come back year after year to create new programs, tweak their strategies, and continue to scale their businesses.)
Educators - Consultants - Coaches - Brand Experts - Trainers - Authors - Experts - Virtual Assistants - Healers - Lightworkers - Marketers - Holistic Practitioners - Copywriters - Body Workers - Strategists - Designers And now… YOU.
“I’m super clear on how to create my program and that’s priceless, but not only that, the transformation that goes on underneath on an emotional level and on a spiritual level is fantastic.”

Emunah Malinovitz

Should YOU attend the High Profit Program live event?

    High Profit Programs is perfect for you if:

  • You want to leverage your time and efforts, and have the freedom to spend time on what matters most
  • You know you have amazing gifts and expertise to share with the world, but don’t know how to monetize them
  • You are an action taker and implementer
  • You want a clear and proven step-by-step plan to claim your expert status, increase your sales, and get more clients while working fewer hours
  • Time is of the essence for you
  • High Profit Programs is NOT for you if:

  • You are looking for a “magic pill” and “get-rich-overnight” schemes
  • You want to go it alone, and don’t appreciate help and support with building your business
  • You expect to receive and not to contribute
  • You are comfortable simply attending events and workshops and not following through
  • You are satisfied with the current state of your business, and don’t feel compelled to grow

“So if you have any doubt whatsoever about whether you should be in this room next year?”

“I’m gonna tell you: Knock it off, figure out how to get here, and make it happen.”

Julaina Kleist-Corwin

Now the only question left is...

Are you ready to create the program that will take your business, expertise, and visibility to the next level?
Because if you are -- we’re ready for you at High Profit Programs.

Click to get your hands on your ticket, and let’s begin.

Event Access

Regular Price - $2,000

TODAY - only $99


About Alina Vincent

Alina Vincent is a business strategist and the creator of the Money Making Program Blueprint program and the 5-Day Challenge Launch Formula, which helped her grow her business from zero to over a million dollars in the first 4 years.

Alina is passionate about helping entrepreneurs package and monetize their knowledge and expertise to create a leveraged and scalable business. Experts hire her for strategic advice and simple step-by-step approach to creating successful online programs, engaged Facebook communities, and profitable 5-day challenges.

Finding her zone of genius by combining a strong analytical background (which includes advanced science degrees) with creative vision, Alina works at the intersection of logic and imagination, giving you everything from practical research-driven systems and strategies, to creative original and intuitive solutions.

#1 Best-selling author of three bestselling books (including her latest one, Teach Your Expertise) and an award-winning instructional designer in her past career, Alina is gifted in her ability to simplify complex ideas into actionable result-generating steps-by-step systems.

“If you want to access the “HOW” to organize your gifts, knowledge, expertise and talents into the perfect recipe to creating thriving business...”

“...that actually makes an impact, then this course is for you! Alina will take you step-by-step down the path of unleashing your inner genius and aligning your greatness, your thoughts, your actions and your energy with a heart-centered successful business that makes an impact and transforms lives. So grateful to Alina and her team.”

Tzeli Triantafillou

“This was the best business training I have ever done...”

“...and Alina is a fantastic teacher. I would highly recommend this course to anyone trying to start or boost their online business.”

Ilana Newman

“High Profit Programs is mind blowing!

“So much value: mindset, language, video, step-by-step creation process. Alina and team are amazing!! They give and give and help and brainstorm. Top notch planning and execution.”

Barbara Ingrassia

Frequently Asked Questions

I don’t have clients yet and I’m just starting out -- so I don’t feel like an expert yet. What can a program do for me?

The beautiful thing about programs? They build your foundation as an expert, and can increase your visibility -- which can start attracting clients to you overnight (along with additional income from sales).

While many of our students offer 1-1 services and have worked with clients, many others haven’t yet! Programs benefit both businesses in a HUGE number of ways.

I’ve taken other program-building trainings before, what makes this different?

All too often, trainings about course creation leave out vital components. For example, they might teach you how to name and map out your program, but miss the technology requirements. They might teach you how to sell your program, but not how to create a usable education framework that will help produce results for your ideal clients.

High Profit Programs gives you everything you need to design, create, and fill your online program; from defining your market, all the way to the tools you’ll need to host and launch it.

I’m a bit of a technophobe. Is this stuff gonna be over my head?

Not at all! We’re thrilled to welcome participants from a wide range of skill sets and gifts, and our approach to the technology needed to launch a program is all about teaching you the simplest, most straightforward techniques that fit your budget and comfort level.

I offer 1-1 services and have never created a program before. Is this for me?

Absolutely. In fact, if all you’re offering are 1-1 services right now, you especially need to be in the room. A program will help you hop off the feast-and-famine, dollars-for-hours hamster wheel to create a business that makes money while you sleep (or take a much-needed vacation!) without requiring you to constantly be on the phone, or answering emails.

I already have a program and I want to revisit the content. Is High Profit Programs for me?

Absolutely. What you learn in High Profit Programs can be applied to brand new programs, or programs that already exist and just need a little rejigging. You can also use your time to map out your next level program.

“HPP covers everything you need to launch a program, and if you’re like me and it's your second program, you’ll get lots of updates, insights and reminders of things you may have forgotten since your last program launch. Alina and her team are amazing. The level of connectedness, good pacing, support, friendliness, a genuine desire on the part of the entire team to help participants within a non-pushy atmosphere is really high. Couldn't ask for more. AND.... you won't have to fly anywhere and eat restaurant food! Loved being able to stay at home.”

Wendy Terriff

“If you want to transform your life, leave legacy, find friends and along the way make income, go to Alina Vincent. She combines her academic expertise and passions to serve a Big Vision. So you can do the same.”

Ananda Deviika Ma Devii

“HPP is absolutely the key to up level your business, ensure the contribution aspect of it, and to be equipped with tools, concepts and a sense of competence as a result of the learning process.”

Caroline Fernandez

“You can't go wrong here if you've not transitioned online yet, or to maximize what you've already done for greater profit potential, tailored to you and meeting the demand for your unique expertise.”

Jaye Miller

“Have no hesitation to learn with Alina live or virtual, she is amazing, and it will be worth your money.”

Brigitte Nadeau

“DO IT!!! I have 23 pages of notes I know I'm going to be referring to again and again. So much knowledge packed into three days!”

Jocelyn Rish

“Girl, you will fall in love with Alina and because you are already on your way to achieving your goals, she will be the steroid shot you need to catapult your business.”

Elissa Couch

“Clear their calendar and buckle up! Alina consistently over delivers content and give a Masterclass each and every time!”

Sue Perez

“I have never gotten so much out of any business seminar I have ever attended. It is highly organized, interesting, surprising, varied, quickly paced, and completely engaging. Alina’s background of designing education courses and her high passion and compassion to help others succeed are extraordinary. There is zero possibility you will go home the same. Your business will never be the same. It will be better. So far beyond what you might imagine right now. She has my highest recommendation!”

Diann Alexander

“Alina & her team are the secret sauce that make all the difference!”

Ellen Wolsky Hartson

“This event gives you the big picture of how a program can greatly impact your business and the detailed strategy and structure for creating such a program. It is worth the investment.”

Nicole Pham

“if you’re looking for instruction, support and the true feeling of being part of a community check out Alina Vincent and her team. They make things clear; they work with at the level of where you are in your business and they help you grow organically.”

Lorna Lynum

“This gives me the freedom to move without feeling that I'm leaving important parts of me/my business out. I now understand that having a program (a tangible product) is very different than coaching. It opens the door to scaling since It is separate from me. I've committed to creating one, and came out of the workshop with an outline, a plan, and a launch date.”

Avital Spivak

“You gotta go through this training so that you can reach more people and make more money for all the work you are putting into your course.”

Maryann Sherpard

“I have been so terrified to do something like this yet I’ve been searching for and following so many other programs… I have been driving myself mad looking at programs on the Internet for months now… each one had its niche point and some were really excellent, however I knew that I would fall through the cracks…

There is an elegance in this program because it is comprehensive and no stone is left unturned… Her caring, sincerity and A-Z approach from mindset to giving us all of the faculties and pairing things down to exactly what one needs in each moment and helping us to know where to start and guiding us along each step of the way makes this program incomparable. I am so excited that I’ve done this.

I think I’ve been chemically changed and freed. Getting my [program] title really converted me to feeling free and confident... getting a sought after idea for my program as well.

If you want to do a program, this is the first place you should look to call your home. I am grateful to my dear friend who introduced me to Alina’s program!”

Shira Flam

“You have to take this program! Over-the-top education for the money, you will be so glad you did. You will come away with a plan and a map to create a program and get it out there!”

Kim DeClair

“If you really truly want to scale your business you have to work with Alina’s team... Amazing, transformational, mind bending. I am not the same Practitioner who went into the 3 day training, I now have a plan and a road map to implement and work towards the next steps.”

Jessy Morrison

“Your future self and business will thank you!”

Arlene Henry

“HURRY AND SIGN UP NOW. It will be the fantastic investment in you and your business and you DON’T WANT to miss it. Thank very much you Alina, Alina’s team, coaches and Rising Starts members for making this event memorable and inspiring one.”

Natalya Paquin

“This event was absolutely fabulous. Alina and her team went above and beyond to ensure the entire virtual retreat was engaging and learning based. I loved the step by step approach to help me gain clarity around my top of mind problem, description and outline. I loved seeing/hearing everyone else's ideas as it helped to open up new ideas for my topic. I walked away with a tangible plan to launch my pilot by June 1st or sooner!”

Michelle Kennedy Rembert

“O-M-G!!!! If there is ANY program you need to take, it is THIS one!!! I could cry. If only I had known...if only there was a biz coach out there who had a program to tell me & so many others...just simple, basic things that one needs to know FIRST, so we wouldn't spend a gazillion dollars taking programs that we didn't need at that time, nor spending years on end struggling to bring our program into fruition, when we needed to have those other basic skills first, such as getting comfortable with visibility, the details of being on camera, learning social media, weeding out technology, true mindset work AND really, just how to create and get your program online from A-Z, just like Alina has shown to us! Of course there are other programs that tell you 'how to create a program' but NONE like Alina in this program! This one does not leave you with so many gaps, bits & pieces. Thank you Alina, you're the best at what you do!”

Lisa Weeks

“Do it! It is SO GOOD! Alina is a genius, and so encouraging and down-to-earth. Three days jam-packed with great content, energy, and wisdom, and access to fabulous, generous coaches who are at the top of their game. Time so well spent, and truly life-changing for me.”

Michele Benyo

“If you want to take action to create the program that has been on your mind or your to do list, come to this event. You will get the training and be inspired to get the ball rolling.”

Robin Lee

“HPP is the easiest and most effective step by step online program to bring your message to a greater audience (online) and reach more people - and to enjoy doing what inspires you!”

Marianne Ewasyn

“Honestly, not looking for any brownie points here~ the event itself was amazing, informative, and motivating~ but more than that, Alina has such a gift for ensuring everyone can be successful using her systematic approach that I would tell every friend if they want to be successful in their business~ work with Alina!”

Sheri Elle Brown

“Do it, just do it, as this will so give you the framework like it gave me to handle creating my online programs like I never thought possible trying to figure it out on my own. It was motivating, encouraging and confidence building and listening/watching Alina in action = powerful! She is an absolute master of her craft!”

Peter Ainley

“What would I say to a friend considering this event? That's easy! This was, without a doubt, the most impactful and comprehensive and useful and enjoyable and inclusive program I have ever done.I am a changed person, with newfound courage and confidence to move my business forward with laser focus and excitement about what offers I can create for the people who need to learn what I have to teach.”

Wendy Haberman

“Tech is not too overwhelming anymore. HPP is amazing! Alina made complex things easy. I learn so much and so inspired to jump-leap of faith!”

Dolly Tampos Oksman

“HPP is pivotal to creating a business plan and direction for the future.”

Colleen Stadlwieser

“I gained more confidence in what I'm doing. I got a renewed vision and plan for the clarity and direction of my entire program, where to start, and what my map is. Thank you, Alina! Thank you, Alina's Team! Thank you to everyone who's contributed and participated.”

Melissa Bicheler

“I will be launching my first-ever pilot online program 6 weeks from now! If you'd like to build a presence online, I can't think of a better person to start learning from than Alina Vincent.”

Lynn Himmelman

“This training is the glue to whatever you have done already, that will give both the big strategy and the little details that make it hard to create a business. You also learn things that you can use for any future businesses, not just creating one right now.”

Julieann Pina

“The content is unbelievable. The shift I felt in myself and the clarity I have in myself and my business has been profound.”

“If someone even has even a vague idea that they want to create a course, attending this course is a no-brainer. I definitely encourage [you] to jump in without hesitation.”

Helena Nash

“[High Profit Programs] got me from a state of paralyzed inertia to excitedly looking forward to Creating my Pilot Program.

Alina, doesn't just tell you that it's possible, she Makes you Believe in Yourself and then she Shows you HOW to Create an Online Course!

My ONLY regret is that I didn't discover Alina a few years ago, because then I wouldn't have spent my money on the other "gurus", and I'd be a 7 Figure Elite Member today!”

Leora Bach

Event Access

Regular Price - $2,000

TODAY - only $99